Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Fallacy of Credentials

 For your consideration, I give you Jake Sullivan.

Sullivan, as a reminder, is Joe Biden's National Security Advisor. He is a mere forty-four years old. But what a resume!

  • Sullivan went to Yale, where he was an editor of the Yale Daily News, graduated summa cum laude, was Phi Beta Kappa, and was awarded the Snow Prize as the single best scholar in his class.
  • Upon graduation, he was offered both Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships. He went with the Rhodes.
  • From Oxford, it was off to Yale Law School, where he was an editor on the Yale Law Review.
  • From there, Sullivan clerked for Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court.

I'm even leaving out some stuff. Credentially speaking, Jake Sullivan sits at the very pinnacle of the American establishment. Resumes don't get much better.

And you know what? None of that means a damn thing, because Jake Sullivan is an idiot. 

Oh, I don't deny that Sullivan is book smart, and likely has a capacity for hard work. Once, a generation or two ago, you would have said, "Wow, this is a crazy-smart guy." But now all his resume says is, "I have marinated my entire life in the progressive establishment, and am now a card-carrying member of America's liberal elite." 

It hardly merits mentioning that this has left Sullivan without the capacity for common sense. He has presided, in various capacities, over the following foreign policy disasters:

Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Myanmar, and now, of course, maybe the biggest foreign policy catastrophe in collective memory, Afghanistan.

Jake Sullivan is not alone. I'm picking on him because, well, he's just such low hanging fruit. Our nation's elite institutions are turning out scores of Jake Sullivan's. (England, too - check out the Rhodes winners. 100% social justice warriors.)

But when a tenured Cornell professor calls black holes "racist," when Harvard holds a separate graduation for blacks, when Yale bans calling anyone a "master" of something, seriously, what do you expect? Kids with street smarts or basic common sense?

The institutions that we have traditionally placed on the top of our cultural pedestal - the ones that award all those coveted credentials - are now the most corrupt. They have become radical left-wing echo chambers where ideological adherence is rewarded and dissent swiftly punished. Social justice has replaced the search for truth as the over-arching guiding principle. Debate and free inquiry have all but vanished, because both imply there's more than one acceptable viewpoint. Students rising through this system are never truly taught how to think, merely what to think (to quote my friend, Andrew Gutmann). 

Such inflexible minds are destined to fail when let loose in the messiness of the real world, where solutions require mental agility, reason, and common sense. They require one to think through different options and to consider the perspective of others. It was almost deliciously revealing that the very week Afghanistan fell, our embassy there was flying a gay pride flag (as encouraged by another credentialed idiot, that Princeton grad with a chest full of meaningless ribbons, Mark Milley).

One wonders if Jake Sullivan realizes just how useless all his credentials are. Just kidding, because there's no way he does. That was rhetorical musing on my part. Jake Sullivan will continue to burnish his resume. Our finest universities will heap honorary degrees upon him and ask him to speak at graduations. The media will exalt him. High paying sinecures and book deals await him when he leaves government service. Perhaps he'll even win an Emmy like Andrew Cuomo.

Guys like Jake Sullivan fail in only one direction - up.


  1. But you went to Yale?

  2. I worked with a lawyer who went to Harvard Law School, Harvard undergrad. He probably had a genius level IQ, understood quantum physics etc. He was very likable and charming. But had no common sense. After every lawyer in the firm refused to work with him he was finally fired.

    I also worked with someone who was plain stupid. But, driven and did have basic common sense and was very successful.

    You cannot fix stupid, but it can be managed. There is nothing to deal with a complete lack of common sense.

  3. You did not mention Sullivan's role in perpetrating the greatest and most damaging political hoax in American history.

  4. If you'll review Sullivan's biography, you'll notice the following:

    1. His employment history from age 27 to the present has consisted of (a) patronage appointments in Democratic Administrations and (b) patronage positions on Democratic campaigns and (c) judicial clerkships - also discretionary and also a function of connections and (d) miscellaneous berths in higher education, nonprofits, and consulting firms acting as an employment service for quondam Democratic officials. He practiced law for about three years.

    2. His wife doesn't have his CV, but she's the same type - a lawyer who landed glam clerkships and posts on congressional staff.

    3. His father was a reporter and j-school professor; his mother was employed by the local school district.

    4. He has no children at age 47. He has no history in business. He has no history in the military. In school, he abstained from studying subjects where quantification is consequential and which have robust operational measures of competence.

    I'm told the Russians have a term for his type. The English translation is 'office plankton'.

  5. Sullivan went to Yale. The university is named after a slave trader who was one of the school's founding benefactors. Not its most significant benefactor, mind you. That would be a gentleman named Jeremiah Dummer. Couldn't name the school after him. So they named it after a slave trader instead. His name flies high to this day. Takeaway: Never underestimate the power of a strong brand name.

    And now we have this idiot of a Yale graduate, who isn't even useful, as the President's most trusted advisor on national security. Educated at a school that should have been named after someone named Dummer.

    Can't make this stuff up.

  6. Scott Thompson was removed from Yahoo because his degree was technically in accounting, not computer science; despite that back then computers were studied in electronics, statistics, and accounting. Meanwhile, almost at the same time Obama was claiming his degree was in national security, for which there were only two courses, and his degree was really in political science. It shows you how the left deny the credentials of anyone they disagree with. So many distinguished scientist are dismissed as climate deniers. Meanwhile, these folks seek out "home remedies"
