Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What Is the Left's Endgame?

There's a thought experiment I like to play with liberal friends, which I call King for a Day. The idea is, you are the king, you control everything. Now go ahead: what does your America look like? 

What new laws will you make (or abolish)? 

What will tax rates look like? 

Will we bother with a Constitution or a Supreme Court?

Would you abolish "hate speech?" The Electoral College?

Please, be specific.

It's a pleasing yet confounding game for leftists. Pleasing because they get to play out their progressive fantasies; confounding, because they discover they don't know where to stop. You see, that's the thing: progressivism has no philosophical limits. It always wants more. More government, higher taxes, more regulations...more.

When an objective is achieved, the the goalposts are immediately moved, because they always need a cause, beliefs to cherish, a reason to march in the streets. 

This is Inconvenient

This is why the left bristles at the Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court because both are about limits, specifically limits on government, and government is always the vessel of the left's dreams of centralized control.

This is quite in contrast to conservatism, which by its very definition is about limits and de-centralization.

There's a concept called "subsidiarity" which started with the Calvinists and then became a pillar of Catholic social teachings. It says that problems are best solved at the most local level possible. Have a problem? Look to your family. That doesn't get it done? What about turning to your neighbors or town? And so on. Only the very biggest problems are assigned to the state.

The idea is that problems are most efficiently solved by people or entities that are the closest to them. 

This is how I think about conservatism. 

Contrast this to liberalism, ever voracious, yearning for centralized, top-down, one-size-fits-all solutions to complex problems. Think Obamacare.

Which brings me back to our little thought experiment, which fast-forwards the process, asking our leftist friends to consider their endgame.

But, what might that be? Is it Denmark? Cuba? Something else? At what point does the left say, "we won" and go home? This is one of the interesting questions of our time, and we will attempt to answer it. 

The short answer is: never.

Let's consider the evidence we have about the current state of affairs. The left...

  • Seems to want anarchy. They have funded radical DAs who won't prosecute crime. They want open borders. They all but celebrated the 2020 summer of looting and rioting.
  • Wants to indoctrinate your children. This now happens from kindergarten all the way through college. We now have gender and race struggle sessions for third graders that would make Mao smile. As part of this, they actively drive a wedge between children and their parents. Families are treated with deep suspicion at best, the enemy at worst.
  • Advocates economic policies that anyone with common sense could tell you are self-destructive. This includes gutting traditional energy and printing money with abandon.  
  • Has co-opted the leadership of most every large corporation, NGO, and university, bending them to their agenda. When Disney supports teaching trans ideology to second graders and Princeton declares itself systemically racist, you know the Long March is nearing completion.
  • Wants to regulate speech they don't like, recasting it as "violence." 
  • Views organized religion with hostility.
  • Wants to make gun ownership by private citizens illegal, leaving only the state with arms.

What would Mao do?

All these are precisely the avenues a Lenin or a Mao would pursue if presented with the following assignment: turn modern America into a Marxist state.

Okay, I know what you're thinking. You have liberal friends, and they're not Marxists, for God's sake. And c'mon, man, Joe Biden isn't Pol Pot, so just shut up with your juvenile, everyone's-a-commie hyperbole.

All these things are true, but here's where we consider an apparent contradiction. 

It is true that Joe Biden, for instance, is not a Marxist, not consciously. He doesn't want to turn America into Cuba. And yet, he is very much on the side of every policy and cultural experiment that would lead us there, because there is no way they lead anywhere else

The British philosopher Roger Scruton described totalitarianism as the "absence of any constraint on central authority." What's the best way get that power?


Scruton also observed that revolutions don't happen from below, by the people, but rather from above, in the name of the people, by an "aspiring elite."

Any of this sound familiar? It has always been this way, starting with the Russian Revolution, because those pesky workers never seemed to revolt when they're supposed to. And now, here in America, our most radical ideas are being actively promoted by universities, corporations, and even our own government.

Communists have always embraced societal chaos, including open criminality, as a means to an end, as a way to tear down traditional, competing, institutions. People will ultimately turn to the state to be their savior. Same thing with economic chaos: the people will demand help and the state will provide it in the form of a larger state. Families and churches will be undermined at every turn because they are alternate belief systems. The state can be your only family and your only church.

Useful Idiot

The answer to the contradiction is that Biden and most others on the left are what Stalin called "useful idiots" The agenda is being driven by a relatively small number of true believers, and the Bidens of the world don't even begin to understand how they're being played. They drift along with wherever the center of power is, and right now that's on the hard left.

Starting with the election of Obama, then the ascendence of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren and others, plus the chaos of George Floyd and the money of George Soros, the Democrat Party has been subsumed to the will of these true believers. Joe Biden is their ultimate dancing bear, the most useful idiot of all.

True Believers

And yes, these people, these relatively few, are Marxists. Denmark is not the goal here. 

Of course, few actually call themselves Marxists, they dress themselves in more digestible language like "democratic socialist." Don't want to scare off the useful idiots, after all. But it wouldn't take more than a couple of Stoli shots to get them to admit they'd like to send people like us to re-education camps.

These are the people calling the shots now. The Lovely People smile and go along, terrified of being cancelled or just too dumb to know how they're being used.

So the goal is, and always has been, centralized power. On the left, this always manifests as Marxism, and by Marxism's very nature, the struggle is never over. 

The end game is that there isn't one at all beyond a never-ending pursuit of power.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We don't pass it to our children in our bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same."       -Ronald Reagan


  1. Brown people are scary and we need more Calvinism. Brilliant.

    1. What an idiotic comment by Anonymous. Where in the above essay is there any mention about brown people being scary? The race card is the last refuge of the liberal who can't argue the facts.

    2. What a stupid comment about brown people. Where in the essay does it even mention that? This is a typical leftist response: ob to skate the issue and totally ignore the facts.

    3. Calvinist? Bob Schuller's Crystal Cathedral is now Catholic! Look at all the Reagan youth who converted to Catholicism, which in its secular pretensions now overwhelmingly dominates.

    4. Though Trump was raised Presbyterian by his Scottish mother and attended Reformed Marble Collegiate, his Bavarian grandfather and his Slavic wives were Catholic and he learned casuistry (alternative truth) skills at Jesuit Fordham. Which is why he relied on Christie, Barr and Giuliani. And his spiritual advisor was Pentecoastal Paula White who brought Hillsong to the White House

    5. We're lucky enough to have Christian. One quarter of the USA believes in reincarnation. With the pivot to Asia, Ibrahimic sects which believe in reincarnation (gilgul, purgatory, toll houses, "spiritual not religious") are growing. While I loathe the idea of endorsing Hegel's historical progression, circular eschatology makes people more docile and pliant but while linear eschatology promotes social and scientific progress but more militant because they only get one shot. Castes are resilient because they are seen as a just purgatorial penal system. Linear eschatology promotes human progress against the natural order of the circular eschatology, because, well, you could come back as a worm.

    6. It's not reincarnation or "spirituality", it's drugs! Drugs and alcohol lead to abuse which leads to crime and perversion, and eventually social collapse. Nearly all formerly illegal drugs seem to trigger schizophrenia, alcoholism triggers Korzakov dementia, steroids cause mania, football injuries lead to dementia. They were born with good brains but destroyed them, maybe they do need negative social credits to donate organs. Singapore is right to execute druggies, and even Trump thinks it may be time to do so here.

    7. It was Prohibition which ended the last pandemic, even the gang
      warfare eliminated the heathen urban superspreaders. With reduced
      immigration, the American heartland could rebuild a family oriented
      society. It is no accident the Greatest Generation was born during
      Prohibition but the Ellis Island drunkards elected socialist FDR. The
      Greatest Economy of America was during Prohibition. We need to deport
      all alcohol and drug addicts and merchants to colonize outer space
      because they are the marauding scourge and street urchins that lead to
      domestic abuse, broken families, homosexuality, abortion, and crime
      and it corrupts our police, teachers and clergy. We can no longer
      afford the medical cost to treat inebriants, or consumers of home
      If legal gambling made Trump like liquor Kennedy, how worse legal drugs and whores?
      The only reason tycoons like Armand Hammer, Herbert Hoover
      and Fred Koch went to Russia was the booze. We can not restore
      American Morality without returning to Prohibition.

  2. Excellent analysis, Scott!

  3. Brilliant, Scott. One of the best things you ever wrote.

  4. Hits the nail right on the head, Scott. Anonymous, who commented at 6:13 a.m., really needs to move out of his mother's basement.

  5. Comparing Disney to the Long March is truly incredible. I'm sorry Daffy Duck and Goofy broke your brain.

    1. He isn’t linking Daffy duck to the long march. How simple are the readers on the left? I can only envision stoned unemployed long-haired man acting as boys making such stupid comments.

    2. The dumbest part of Anonymous 6/8 9:08AM's comment is the commenter's ignorance about Daffy Duck's ownership. He belongs to Warner Bros. Discovery, not Disney. Further evidence of progressives' lack of trustworthiness.

  6. "Wants to regulate speech they don't like, recasting it as "violence." -- Also: Wants to engage in violence they do like, recasting it as "speech."

  7. Fantastic post. I think the ultimate goal is the end of all borders and sovereignty and one government and one tax structure. Sort of a global EU but with much more power.

  8. Great piece and definitely the truth. Let's hope November sets in motion a re-boot and a re-think.

  9. Who are “they”? Who are the puppet masters puppeteering the “useful idiots”? I agree with much of Scott’s analysis on other matters but this is too conspiratorial for me.

    1. My goodness, where shall we start? Anonymous 6/9 1:34PM, you must be new here. We can start with reflexively progressive teachers' unions and school boards throughout the U.S. Their overweening goal is to maintain public education in America as a jobs program for adults, while at the same time decreasing the productive content of the educational curriculum and replacing it with all manner of woke propaganda that equips students to be little more than foot soldiers who can reliably fight in favor of such propaganda.

      The natural progression of this effort can be seen in the higher education industry, most specifically in the G&V (grievance and victimhood) Studies departments that train taxpayer-subsidized students to become professional progressive foot soldiers ...perhaps the clearest examples of useful idiots in our society today.

      There are countless other examples. ESG / DEI commisars enforcing progressive indoctrination in the workplace. Climate studies graduates who are trained to do little more than browbeat disfavored (yet productive) industries and institutions to contribute to their cause and bow to their will. The list goes on.

      There is a trove of helpful reporting and insight in this blog's archives that documents all of this. I encourage you to avail yourself of as much of this information as possible. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.

    2. I’ve been forced to say this before: I almost never comment on my own posts, and when I do I always use my name.

  10. Oh, they have many plans, see

  11. Trump is a teetotaller. The Greatest Generation, including civil rights leaders, were a product of Prohibition. It is time to return to our puritan roots and ban liquor and drugs, with harsh penalties.

  12. If a ten-years younger brother hits his abusive (260.24&25) caretaker
    sibling, in New York State, he is instead the one guilty of elder abuse under
    (120.05-12). If John or Bruce Wayne's characters where in real life today,
    they would be incarcerated two years for each punch as felony assault.
    Provocation is no longer defence for assault, rage is no longer allowed to
    dethrone reason but is accused of blaming the victim. Injuctive restraining
    protective orders deny you the ability to confront your accusers and punish
    you for crimes you MIGHT commit; this "precrime" was predicted by George
    Orwell as "thoughtcrime". This is what happens when leftist parents didn't
    let their kids play with cap guns in the 1960s.
