Friday, December 18, 2020

Teacher Demands at Dalton


As promised. Looks like it's signed by most or all of the faculty. I'd like to meet anyone who didn't sign. That would be a very brave person.

This is unedited. As you can see, I left plenty out of my first post

Without new visions we don’t know what to build, only what to knock down. We not only end up confused, rudderless, and cynical, but we forget that making a revolution is not a series of clever maneuvers and tactics but a process that can and must transform us. 

Robin D.G. Kelley 




During the past few months, we have been inspired by the Black Lives Matter uprisings across the country. Black activists and their accomplices continue to put their personal safety at risk in order to make a better world for all of us; we thank them for their courage and vision.


We have also had the opportunity to see this activism up close, in our own community. Dalton’s Black students and students of color demonstrated that same courage—going forth unafraid—when they shared personal stories of racism and trauma in the high school town hall at the end of the year. On Instagram, @blackatdalton and @dalton_anonymous have held Dalton accountable for its shortcomings, and Dalton’s Black alumni and parents of Black students are helping us to envision a more inclusive school. We are also inspired by the demands currently being championed by Black Students Demanding Change.


Dalton has also made a public commitment to “live up to our stated values as a visibly, vocally, structurally anti-racist institution.” Towards this end, Head of School Jim Best outlined the following list of actions:

  • Create and apply a comprehensive anti-racism and inclusion plan 
  • Revise course content to be relevant and inclusive of a full range of experiences including those of people of color
  • Learn specific teaching practices that foster an inclusive classroom without burdening students of color and marginalized students
  • Establish a clear system for reporting incidents of bias, discrimination, or racism
  • Implement a mandatory parent orientation that is aligned with our mission, our values, and our commitment to anti-racism


We are heartened to see Dalton’s leadership taking such a strong stance on this issue, and we are energized for the work ahead. In the spirit of eager collaboration, we have identified 24 proposals, detailed below, that we believe will complement and extend Dalton’s existing efforts. 


To contextualize these proposals, we would like to include the following definitions, put forward by the Aspen Institute:


Structural Racism: A system in which public policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various, often reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial group inequity. It identifies dimensions of our history and culture that have allowed privileges associated with “whiteness” and disadvantages associated with “color” to endure and adapt over time. Structural racism is not something that a few people or institutions choose to practice. Instead it has been a feature of the social, economic and political systems in which we all exist.


Institutional Racism: Institutional racism refers to the policies and practices within and across institutions that, intentionally or not, produce outcomes that chronically favor, or put a racial group at a disadvantage. Poignant examples of institutional racism can be found in school disciplinary policies in which students of color are punished at much higher rates than their white counterparts, in the criminal justice system, and within many employment sectors in which day-to-day operations, as well as hiring and firing practices can significantly disadvantage workers of color.


Much of the discourse surrounding equity and inclusion in schools focuses on reducing interpersonal racism, training faculty about implicit bias, and diversifying the curriculum. We heartily affirm the importance of these anti-racist efforts, especially in light of student testimony detailing microagressions, careless remarks, and blatant racial prejudice. In this document, we imagine what it would mean for Dalton to move towards its stated goal of becoming a more “structurally anti-racist institution” (emphasis added)—an inspiring charge that requires more than well-intentioned, individualized efforts. On the contrary, we must “[engage with] the Dalton community in an intensive, comprehensive, ongoing examination of our cultural norms, our policies, and our programs,” and most importantly, we must change them. Structural racism is cumulative, pervasive, durable, and mutable; our response must be similarly thorough and systematic.


It’s important to note that the language in this document focuses primarily on the Black community at Dalton. While we acknowledge that white supremacy harms all people of color, we believe that anti-Blackness must be understood as distinct from “racism” writ large. In this moment, our collective anti-racist efforts must center Black people and their needs. Nonetheless, we believe that many of the proposals outlined below could be extended to consider indigenous and native people; people from other underrepresented racial and ethnic identities; people from working-class backgrounds; people with disabilities; the queer community; non-binary, genderqueer, and gender nonconforming people; etc. 


Ta-Nehisi Coates says, “black history does not flatter American democracy; it chastens it.” The testimony of our Black students and alumni should also chasten us. Let their words spur us towards a “reckoning,” as Coates says, “that [will] lead to spiritual renewal.” We have seen the Dalton community come together in amazing ways during times of crisis. Dalton’s Black students and students of color deserve decisive action that reflects the urgency of the moment. Their lives are happening right now. To address past mistakes and obviate future harms, we must be willing to take the necessary steps to fundamentally transform our institution. We believe Dalton can and must be a leader in this vital, urgent work of making our school a home for all students.


To add your name in support of these proposals, please submit your information here.




Equitable Outcomes and Self-Evaluation

  1. Collect and publish data regarding race and discipline (including suspensions).
  • One of the most damaging manifestations of institutional racism can be found in school discipline policies. Research suggests that schools tend to discipline Black students more often than their non-Black peers and that race, gender, and class are all linked to likelihood and severity of punishment. Dalton should publish all historical data and examine to what extent race plays a role in disciplinary practices.
  1. Collect and publish data regarding race, grades, retention, and graduation rates.
  • Dalton faculty are increasingly attendant to the pernicious effects of implicit bias and its impact in the classroom. Research suggests that grading practices can be one source of racial discrimination in schools. 
  • Furthermore, Black students and students of color at Dalton must perform under more challenging conditions than their white peers; for instance, one recent paper suggests that exposure to police violence leads to a persistent decrease in GPA for Black and Hispanic students. Other research shows that racist incidents on campus also have negative effects on GPA and mental health for Black students and students of color. In order to move towards equity within the classroom, we should ensure that there is no correlation between a student’s racial background and their ability to be successful at Dalton. 
  1. Commit to racial equity in leveled courses by 2023; at that time, if membership and performance of Black students are not at parity with non-Black students, leveled courses should be abolished.
  • Research suggests that Black students, students of color, and low-income students are more likely to be tracked into lower-level courses, creating segregated learning environments that affect students’ educational trajectories. In the High School, there have been persistent complaints of de facto racial segregation in some “Advanced” courses. Dalton should ensure that there is no correlation between race and placement or grades in all tracked courses.
  1. Publish data regarding faculty, staff, and administration salaries, including mean and median salaries of employees by race and gender.
  • Race and gender are well-established variables that affect negotiations, salaries, attainment of leadership positions, and turnover, and the Black-white wage gap has widened over the previous two decades. Providing salary benchmarks and transparency will prevent inadvertent salary disparities at Dalton.
  1. Dalton’s student body, faculty, staff, administration, and trustees should be representative of New York City in terms of gender, race, socioeconomic background, and immigration status by 2025. Dalton should publish yearly updates regarding the demographics of each of these groups.
  • As “an intentionally diverse community,” “an inclusive, democratic community,” and to ensure access and equity in the institution, Dalton should reflect the city in which it is located. Dalton has already made some progress on this front: for instance, 25% of the school’s top leadership is Black or African American, which reflects the demographics of New York City. Dalton should continue to diversify its community—from students to faculty to leadership—and publish comprehensive data about its progress each year.
  1. Develop a systematic and robust approach to assessing the experience of Black students and their families, and Black faculty, staff, and administration. Publish an annual report detailing institutional progress towards equity and inclusion.
  • The best way to hold ourselves accountable is to be public and transparent about our successes and failures; institutional integrity is crucial to the success of our mission. Informed community members will continue to push Dalton to be better, and we should welcome their engagement and recognize it as a form of optimism and love. As Head of School Jim Best acknowledges, this is “a conversation that needs many more voices,” and we won’t get it right every time. Dalton can and should change, but it will not be a straight line to success. An annual report will help us to stay focused and on track.
  1. Convene a committee of students, alumni, parents, and faculty to audit progress and develop new suggestions to supplement these measures by 2023. At least half of the committee participants should be Black.


Anti-Racist Pedagogy

  1. Adopt a two-pronged approach to course-related content changes: 1) Institute a divisional requirement for courses that explicitly center Black liberation and challenges to white supremacy. The requirement should be equivalent to or greater than the smallest requirement for any other department. 2) All other existing course content and departmental work via Dalton by Design should undergo an audit to ensure that content is guided by Dalton’s commitment to anti-racist education and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • In the same way that subjects such as English, art, physical education, and mathematics have been embedded within the Dalton experience, so too should coursework that is explicitly anti-racist. No Dalton student should graduate without taking classes that center race, identity, difference, and social justice.
  • Furthermore, we should take this opportunity to review all of our content and pedagogy across all divisions. While we acknowledge that diversifying curriculum is not a solution in and of itself, centering Black experiences, scholars, authors, and primary sources can be part of a broader strategy to align our classrooms with our stated values.
  1. Allow faculty members to earn a course release if they partner with a Black-led community organization to teach a class or volunteer in other meaningful ways.
  • Dalton should build partnerships with other organizations and schools to provide a robust array of opportunities for interested faculty, and the necessary support and professional development to ensure success. Dalton has already committed to “Creat[ing] a K-12 Service Learning program that emphasizes service in New York City and beyond as an essential part of the Dalton experience and prioritizes time for reflection on issues of ethics, equity, inclusion and social justice,” per the 2018 Strategic Plan. These opportunities should be expanded to allow faculty members to take their expertise beyond Dalton’s walls. In addition to good citizenship, this would be a powerful, transformative form of professional development that would improve faculty retention and Dalton’s ability to attract dynamic educators.
  1. All faculty, staff, administration, Parent Association volunteers, and trustees should undergo yearly anti-racist training. 
  • This proposal builds on work that has been ongoing in Equity Leadership Groups, new faculty and staff onboarding, and recent professional development efforts at the end of the 2019-20 school year. Dalton should build in time during the school year for these groups to collaborate with their colleagues and with experts from outside Dalton.
  1. Administrators, faculty, and staff should produce individual public anti-racism statements. Faculty should also include anti-racist resources for each class they teach. Each department/grade level should publish its DEI-related efforts in an annual report.
  • Anti-racism statements and resources provide an opportunity at the individual level for engagement with students, colleagues, and the broader Dalton community. Administrators, faculty, and staff should use these statements to describe the specific ways they have adapted their practices and curriculum to align with Dalton’s commitment to anti-racist eduation. Departments should also clarify their expectations for teachers, and produce an annual report on progress and other new initiatives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Public statements help make the work visible to the wider community; the DEI office should not be the only mechanism by which we hold each other accountable.

Needed Personnel and Equity in Hiring

  1. Expand the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to include at least 12 full-time positions: one Director, one Office Assistant, three full-time staff members per division, and one full-time staff member for PE/Athletics.
  • In keeping with Dalton’s commitment to small class sizes and personal attention, we should budget for more full-time positions to support our community as we make these important changes to the school. At the divisional level, three staff members could collaborate on work that is faculty-, student-, and parent-facing. 
  • It is especially important for PE/Athletics to have a dedicated full-time staff member; PE/Athletics is housed in a different building and operates on a different schedule from the rest of Dalton. Furthermore, research suggests that PE/Athletics are important sites of racial identity formation.
  1. Hire a staff member outside of the DEI office whose entire role is to support Black students and students of color who come forward with complaints and/or face disciplinary action.
  • The outpouring of pain from current students and alumni reflect ongoing trauma in the Dalton environment that has been underappreciated and unaddressed. Black students deserve to have a full-time advocate to support and validate them as they navigate a predominantly white institution.
  1. Hire a psychologist in every division with a specialization on psychological issues affecting “ethnic minority populations,” as defined by the Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests. Expand services to support students coping with race-based traumatic stress.
  • Research suggests that racism has persistent negative psychological effects on the well-being of Black students and students of color. It is vital that Dalton invests in safe spaces where our Black students know they will be supported, and in people who reflect their backgrounds and can validate their experience.
  1. Implement name-, school-, and salary history-blind recruitment and hiring practices for faculty, staff, and administrative roles; require diversity statements as part of every application; publish expected salary range in every job posting; and publish data regarding the racial makeup of every stage of every hire.
  • Implementing explicitly anti-racist safeguards for recruitment, hiring, and promotion can be effective ways to reduce bias in recruitment and hiring. Research suggests the use of diversity statements early in a hiring process can be an effective strategy to improve equity in faculty hiring. Dalton should commit to publicly explaining the mechanisms that it employs to prevent discrimination in recruitment, hiring, and promotion.
  1. Review and audit all vendor and third-party contracts to ensure that Dalton is partnering with Black-owned businesses wherever possible. Publish yearly reports detailing Dalton’s vendors and third-party contracts.
  • For a variety of reasons, Black-owned businesses lag behind white-owned businesses in profits, employment, and survival. Nonetheless, Black-owned businesses tend to employ more Black people than their white-owned counterparts, and they are an important tool for economic advancement in the Black community. 
  1. Retain all security/maintenance/dining/other contracted staff without reduction in salary or benefits, regardless of whether Dalton is able to physically re-open facilities.
  • Black workers have suffered record job losses since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and they are disproportionately represented among essential workers who must risk their health in order to continue working. Dalton must prioritize the health and security of its staff—no one is disposable. Our staff are beloved members of the Dalton community, and they should be supported in the same way that we are supporting administration and faculty.

Institutional Resources and Commitments

  1. Offer a special orientation session for incoming students and families of underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds. Provide anti-racist orientations for all families on a yearly basis.
  • Dalton is already expanding the use of student affinity groups in Middle and High School, and should consider formal programming at the start of each year for new and returning Black students and students of color, and their families. Anti-racist orientations for all families would be especially important at crucial transition points (Kindergarten, 4th grade, 6th grade, 9th grade).
  1. Provide child and elder care support for faculty and staff, and any families who qualify for financial aid, especially if Dalton remains primarily online due to COVID-19. Dalton should also restructure its parental leave policies for employees; rather than 6 weeks of paid leave and 6 weeks of unpaid leave, Dalton should follow the lead of companies like Netflix and offer a full year of paid leave for new parents.
  • Families with young children have lower incomes than households without children, and “for parents of color, the lower income level associated with having a young child is compounded by the broader labor market disadvantages faced by people of color.” Access to high-quality child care is essential for child development and intergenerational social mobility; it is also unaffordable to the vast majority of Americans, and especially to Black families, who have significantly less wealth on average than white families.
  1. Commit to paying all Dalton employees—especially staff and independent contractors—at minimum a living wage for New York, as calculated by MIT’s Living Wage Calculator. Ensure racial equity in the proportion of full- and part-time workers; independent contractors; faculty, staff, administration, and associate teachers; and publish information regarding the racial makeup of each of these categories every year.
  • According to the Urban Institute, “Structural racism continues to disproportionately segregate communities of color from access to opportunity and upward mobility by making it more difficult for people of color to secure quality education, jobs, housing, healthcare, and equal treatment in the criminal justice system.” Studies also suggest that Black and Hispanic employees are more likely to be concentrated in less remunerative, more precarious occupations. As part of a commitment to structural anti-racism, and to ensure all employees can live in the city in which they work, Dalton should commit to salary floors for all employees that reflect the living wage—not the minimum wage—for New York.
  1. Double individual faculty and staff professional development (PD) allotment if it is used to service student debt.
  • Student debt is both a symptom and cause of the racial wealth gap. On the day of graduation, Black college graduates owe on average $23,400—$7,400 more than their white counterparts; four years later, their average debt balloons to $53,000, twice that of their white peers. Black students in doctoral and master’s programs were also more likely to borrow money and graduate with debt. One recent study suggests that the median debt for an average Black graduate student borrower is 50% higher than that of a white graduate student borrower.
  • One of the most meaningful changes Dalton could make for the long-term financial safety of its Black faculty and staff would be to commit to paying any outstanding student debt upon employment; failing that, Dalton should double the PD allotment for employees who use the money to service student debt. We believe this would also help Dalton stand out from other schools to attract and retain top teachers.
  1. Publish the endowment investment portfolio and immediately divest from private prisons and detention centers; companies that manufacture technology, equipment or weapons for police; companies that use prison labor; the bail-bond industry; and other companies as determined by a committee of students, faculty, parents, and trustees. At least half of the committee participants should be Black.
  • In alignment with the Movement for Black Lives, Dalton should immediately divest from the “criminalizing, caging, and harming of Black people.” Marbre Stahly-Butts, Executive Director of Law for Black Lives, says that divestment and reinvestment are parts of a broader strategy to “reallocate power and resources back to our safety, back to our health, in ways that help us thrive, and don’t criminalize or dehumanize us.” For Dalton to be a structurally anti-racist institution, it must ensure that its financial resources do not contribute to ongoing dehumanization and harming of Black people. 
  1. If Dalton is unable to diversify per Proposal 5, the school should make a financial commitment to institutions that serve a student body more closely representative of New York City, and contribute 50¢ of every dollar raised via any form of fundraising to the NYC Fund for Public Schools.
  • Over 100,000 NYC public and charter school students were unhoused or housing insecure at some point in the 2018-19 school year—approximately 10% of all students. As many as 20% of children in New York City experience food insecurity, and rely on schools for meals. Dalton is in the enviable position of spending millions of dollars to enhance already-abundant opportunities for its students; most recently, the school spent at least $24 million to build the Ellen C. Stein Center for Collaborative Study. We believe that the school should redistribute a portion of its resources to support fellow New York City students, many of whom are in dire need. A commitment to “cultivating ethical, purposeful citizens of a diverse community” and structural anti-racism requires accountability and reparations for historic inequities, including those inequities that were not directly caused by Dalton. We recognize that our school exists within a broader community; good citizenship should push us to spend our privilege, support institutions that serve our neighbors, make our city livable, and safeguard our collective future.
  1. Going forward, any Black student or student of color who appears in Dalton’s promotional materials should receive reduced tuition, or be retroactively compensated the equivalent amount if they graduate before their likeness is used. Similarly, any Black student or student of color who does work or provides consultation with the school regarding anti-racist and/or DEI initiatives should receive reduced tuition. Dalton should convene a committee of students, parents, alumni, and outside consultants to determine an appropriate compensation policy. At least half of the committee participants should be Black.
  • The previous few weeks have been a stark reminder that Black students and students of color do not receive the same educational experience as their white peers. For some of these students, the benefits of attending Dalton are undermined by otherness, exclusion, and trauma. Nonetheless, Dalton relies on the presence and participation of Black students and students of color. Dalton says, “Our mission to educate students...hinges on their capacity to think critically and make ethical decisions that stem from a core belief in the value of difference, a real sense of cultural fluency, and a sincere and empathic regard for interdependence and the ways in which diversity enriches the way that we see ourselves and each other” (emphasis added). The presence of Black students and students of color affirms Dalton’s legitimacy as an appropriately multiracial, cosmopolitan, modern school; their participation is necessary for the “conscious collaboration, hard work, and dialogue” within the school. In this way, Black students and students of color make unique contributions and create value on behalf of Dalton. Just as Dalton compensates staff and faculty for the value they create for the school, it should similarly compensate Black students and students of color.



Alex Bertrand

8th grade math teacher, house advisor, & preceptor

Kenneth Hamilton, Jr.

House Advisor & Equity Chair

Donald Okpalugo

HS Equity Chair; History Teacher

Mark Anderson Jr.

Teacher, Equity Chair, House advisor

Tarika Coleman

Kindergarten House Advisor

Will Hummel

Director of College Counseling, House Advisor

Alicia Reid

MS and HS Science Teacher

Shahar Atary

MS/HS Science Teacher

Justine Ang Fonte

Director of Health & Wellness

Cortney Norris

MS/HS Teacher (Latin & Linguistics)

William Fisher


Daniela Gomez Paz

Associate Teacher

Ilia Castro

DEI Office Assistant

Paula Cuello

Science Department Chair K-12 and science teacher

Parul G. Kalbag

High School History Teacher

Tao Wang

HS Math Department Chair

Crystal McCreary

Health Educator

Shobana Ram

Second Grade Head Teacher

Michael K Forbes

English Teacher/House Advisor Upper School

Nadege Casseus

Head Athletic Trainer/Physical Education Teacher

Roxanne Feldman

MS Librarian

Judy Calixto

Director of Middle School and High School Admissions

Bill Solomon

MS/HS Music Department Co-Chair

Samara Antolini

College Counselor

Josh Bachrach

8th Grade English teacher and House Advisor; Chair Middle School English

Craig Sculli

Associate Director of Stewardship and Advancement Research

Jennifer Pease

Director of Financial Aid & Assistant Director of Middle and High School Admissions

Colleen Grimes

Director of the Annual Fund

Rob Quatrone

MS Science & Engineering

Anne Lockwood

FP Art

Justin Greer

FP Performing Arts Specialist

Elissa Baim

MS Science & Health

Angelo Bove


Juliet Baker-Samuels

Diversity Coordinator for Student Life

Nick Grasso

MS / HS Visual Art Teacher

Christy Payne

Director of Libraries and Information Services

Elizabeth Rappaport

FP Math Specialist

Chris Hood

Director of the Creative Writing Program

Natalia Malone Hernández

First Program Spanish Teacher

Stephanie Fins

Anthropologist and Museum Liaison

Amanda Hemenway

2nd Grade Teacher

Kate Chechak

Math Coordinator

Christine Leja

HS Curriculum Director of the Humanities

Danielle Braver

Learning Specialist

Megan Preis

High School Math Teacher

Joseph Quain

MS Librarian

Glenn Makos


Sarah Dunitz

High School History Teacher

Catherine Edwards

8th Grade Teacher

Randi Sloan

HS Curriculum Director of the Arts

Elizabeth Brizzolara

High School Curriculum Director of STEM

Blake Pearson

Dance, House, Peer Leadership

Jocelyn Russell

First Program Visual Art Teacher

Johanna Braff

Middle School and High School Teacher

Jessica Joiner

Science Research Coordinator

Zach Terrell

8th Grade Eng / HA

Jasmine Bensky

HS Math Teacher & House Advisor

Sarah Appleman

First Grade House Advisor

David Harvey

High school mathematics teacher

Marly Bresler

Kindergarten Associate Teacher

Athena Decker

First Grade Associate Teacher

Morgan Pile

High School Preceptor

Meg Zeder

Theater and Art Teacher

Michelle Marcus

Art HIstorian and Museum Liaison

Laura Zanes

FP Art

Rachel Pellegrini

5th Grade Head Teacher & House Advisor

Mara Naaman

HS English Teacher/House Advisor

Lori Langer de Ramirez

Director, World and Classical Language Department

Susie Ott

Assistant Director of Admissions/MS/HS; Financial Aid Coordinator; HS House Advisor

Janet Chinelli

FP Music Teacher

Deborah Reilly

Kindergarten House Advisor

Evie Harrison

MS/HS Science Teacher

Elizabeth Cruz

Chorus Teacher- Co-Department Chair

Terria Meyer

FP Art Teacher

Alexandra Nakos

2nd Grade House Advisor

Terrill Caplan

HS Assistant Dean of Students

Tobi Fineberg

High School Librarian

Hope Donovan

First Program Science Teacher

Sarah Kerman

HS English Chair, Faculty Association President

Ryan Brennan

HS Science Teacher

Debora Tascher

FP Psychologist

Colleen Cumberpatch

Kindergarten Associate

Dave Morgan

Music Teacher

Nancy Silber

FP Music

Hyun Davidson

MS Science Teacher

Jess Emory

HS Math

Melanie Wassmuth

HS Science Teacher

Tracy Christopher

MS/HS French Teacher

Courtney Dennis

MS Science Teacher

David Lindo

HS Science Teacher

Andrea Velasquez

Associate Director of College Counseling

Jamie Levin

House Advisor

Matthew Williams

8th Grade Social Studies and House Advisor

Judith Geller

House Advisor (HS)

Douglas Berns

Community Service Coordinator/Afterschool instructor

Nicole Smith

College Office Assistant

Joanne Guzman

Physical Education Teacher and Athletics Coach

Tom Armstrong

MS/HS CS Chair

Liz Fiore

MS Preceptor

Erica Lee

2nd grade house advisor

Erica Lynch

FP Reading Specialist

Lillian S. Redl

High School Preceptor

Tammy Logan


Neil Goldberg

Archaeologist in Residence

Kate Quinn

FP Reading Specialist

Nicholas Lechich

Assistant Director of the High School and Dean of Students

Christine Nassar

First Program Librarian

Linda Hanauer

Art Teacher, MS and HS

Ellen Stavitsky

MS & HS Art teacher

Mira Gelley

MS + HS Visual Art Chair, HS House Advisor

Malcolm Fenton

Science Teacher

Phillip Scaringi

Associate Teacher

Kristie Guiliano

Educational Technologist

Ashley Shaheen

3rd Grade House Advisor

Charles Forster Stewert

Interdisciplinary Project Coordinator

Sloan Warren

Director of In-person Programming

Jake Henin

First Program Science Associate

Joaquin Ramsey

High School Chemistry Teacher

Erik Romano

FP Science Associate Teacher

Ali Fleming

Middle School Math Preceptor


  1. Agree with first anon.

    This insanity will quickly destroy the entire school if even half of the demands are met.

    You people are a joke, blowing millions of dollars so you can pat each other on the back about how sophisticated and progressive you are, while getting screamed at by spoiled black brats about how oppressed they are by being gifted the opportunity to teach at or attend this upscale "school".

    Dalton will be finished as a serious institution in less than 5 years.

    Good riddance.

    1. This insanity will quickly destroy the entire school if even half of the demands are met.

      You say that like it's a bad thing. The school's plant and equipment can be sold off. The only way closure of the school would not be beneficial to social utility is if the rotten teachers and administrators (1) are hired elsewhere and (2) cause in sum even more trouble than they do concentrated at Dalton.

      If my own experience as a student and institutional employee is any guide, schools are not less than the sum of their parts, but they tend to have reached the point where the manpower of the administration is employed in ways that reduce value-added. The school's comptroller, bursar, purchasing agent, systems administrator, chief custodian, dietitian, and registrar have serious work to do. As for the rest, the more you hire the worse it is.

    2. Awh you sound like a sad lil baby

    3. I agree with the "treating blacks like they need to be coddled."
      This country and its institutions are NOT inherently racist. Yes, there are racist people but white supremacist amount to 0.001% of the population. There are so many other needs and ways to improve the lives of blacks but mainly, its they just need to stop thinking of themselves as victims and be willing to work for a better life. Build up those family units and bonds. Cut this victims garbage out! Creating a society that thinks of everything in terms of race is going to lead to rampant AND I MEAN RAMPANT racism and unrest. You fools are making things worse for blacks and everyone for the future.

    4. Dear Friend,
      We have problems with CRT in schools of Rye, NY. Please contact me at
      to possibly help each other.

    5. I have another horrific example for The Masterman School. The “Demands” are worse. These people are very skilled at cutting and pasting rhetoric and I love how they constantly refer to “research says”.

      BARWE (Building Anti-Racist White Educators) at Masterman. This group will be part of a larger network that is already functioning in schools across Philadelphia; we will be adding a Masterman Chapter. BARWE (said "bar we" as it is called for short) will function with the aim of better supporting the academic and social and emotional well-being of students of color at Masterman through ongoing study and reflection, so that we can slowly address our own unconscious biases and make anti-racist changes.

  2. #357,439 in Amazon Books cannot be labeled "Best Seller" - the blogger himself already told the world: he does not tell the truth and only attacks elite and progressive schools for personal gain. Shame on Scott Johnson.

    1. For what it’s way, Campusland reached #15 on Amazon and #1 in humorous fiction. Books don’t lose best seller status just because they’re no longer on the list.

  3. In response to the first two ignorant commenters as a CURRENT non-black student, whether the school implements these demands does not seem to be of any of your concern. You are either some outsider who has a lot to say about an institution you are not a part of or a racist parent that clearly doesn’t align with the school’s ideology and in that case, have no business being in a school that you find “racist” and should clearly pack your bags and leave for another that will kiss your privileged white asses.

    1. This school is a ticket to the Ivy League. If you are being honest, just like the Germans who went along with atrocities they knew were wrong for personal gain, most would still send their kid here even though a lot of this is unethical and vile. In today's society you must salute the right ideology or you are left behind.

      Are you really a current student? Your writing seems a bit poor for a student of such a good school. I suppose you will be able to substitute your Dalton pedigree and extreme wokeness for intellect or ability. The system really favors you. Savor your privilege. And don't lose sleep over the people of merit you are supplanting. Cognitive dissonance may allow you to overlook this, but only if you send a hateful screed my way to make you feel extra good about yourself. Don't forget to call me a racist!

    2. For crying out loud, the 'Ivy League' account for < 2% of the enrollment in baccalaureate-granting institutions as we speak and their freshman matriculants account for < 1% of each year's crop of 18 year olds. Get a grip. You don't need the Ivy League and you don't need Dalton.

    3. This foolishness of CRT has gone on far too long already.
      The damage it has done is significant and unfair.

      You assume much in your race-baiting diatribe.

      Also, I find it nearly impossible to believe you're a student as you cannot manage decent English syntax and punctuation.
      You sound like an angry, ignorant troll.

      I, for one, hope the school closes operation and is no more.

      CRT must be kicked to the curb if people are to shed their victim mentality and move on to true progress.

      Stop blaming whites for your failures.

    4. 1. Maybe I'm missing something, but you still don't seem to address the fact that you are clearly outside the community and obviously seem to have so much free time that you've given a great deal of thought into the actions of a school that has nothing to do with you.
      2. On that note, I would really think before making assumptions about the college application process with limited knowledge about what actually happens. Contrary to popular belief, most people at the school don't laze around doing nothing because they know daddy's money will get them into an elite college, especially if they're not obscenely wealthy. Of course, even working hard won't guarantee those of us who are admission into any college as I've seen firsthand but you probably won't be too keen on accepting that. Your type of people have a lot to say about "fake news" so I'm sure you're educated on not making assumptions.
      3. It seems a bit dramatic and to compare this to the Germans in WW2, not even taking into consideration how "unethical and vile" it is, no? Be careful since someone could think you're the liberal snowflake!
      4. I don't really have anything to prove I am a student, but I would consider how a current student, which would be a teenager on winter break, would want to put any considerable effort into a comment on a blog post. Unlike others, I really don't believe this is really a platform that requires me to write eloquently. I'm sure you know as a grown adult with better things to do than vent on the internet that bigger words don't mean better ideas!
      5. You seem to know an awful lot about me to make the claim that the system favors me. I'm sure you know fully well how
      how privileged I am with your extensive knowledge on my background and the background of the myriad of Dalton students.
      6. I will take your advice on calling you a racist! You seem to have no qualms about calling those of us in the community the "real racists" so I don't see why I should hold back. I apologize for the length. I have a lot of time on my hands. Have a lovely day doing things I'm sure are more productive than those of a teenager on winter break.

    5. Maybe I'm missing something, but you still don't seem to address the fact that you are clearly outside the community

      You'd benefit from listening to someone outside your rancid little bubble. Implicit in all this mess is a scrum of assertions and assumptions about the larger society, with which we're all familiar.

    6. If you (anon) are typical of Dalton students, it's no wonder they are going down this ill-fated path. I hope when you get older you acquire a bit more breadth and depth.

    7. Outsider? Is that what the community and the world at large is to you? Outsiders from the Dalton tribe? We are all encouraged to think of our schools as our mothers in a sense but soon enough the "outsider" world will be your family and one purpose of a school is to prepare their own to embrace, contribute real value to, and constructively participate in that larger community. Unless you end up in an academic or "leadership" bubble the views on this platform are indicative of that larger real world. Your school should not be alienating you from your own destiny (participation in the larger community or self if you will) and unfortunately that is what these highly racial, purportedly anti-racial proposals will do.

    8. I highly suggest that you expand your horizons and listen to Black intellectuals who strongly oppose Critical Race Theory, Kendi's "Anti-Racism", Coates' call for reparations & DeAngelo's "White Fragility. A few people I suggest are Coleman Hughes, John McWhorter, Glenn Loury, Ayishat Akanbi, Shelby Steele, Chloe Valdary, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Kmele Foster, Thomas Chatterton Williams, Jamil Jivani, John Wood Jr. Here is a place to start - it is called the "Black Intellectual Roundtable" - it is being moderated by a upper class White professor named Bret Weinstein - he gets shut down by a few of his guests for holding "patronizing views" about the issue of racism:

      From my observation, during the video I suggest and in my daily lives, it seems that upper-class Whites who reside in mostly White neighborhoods are the most susceptible for falling for CRT and especially Kendi's & DeAngelo's recent best sellers. This could be for a whole multitude of reasons, but I won't assume what these are here. What I will say is that a great Black leader named Booker T. Washington said something that is exceedingly relevant to what is happening today: “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Look up how much money Kendi or DeAngelo make for their "training sessions". Let's put it this way - they are both millionaires right now.

  4. About 3/4 of the 120 signatories are teachers, though some appear to have duties which intersect with the student affairs apparat. About 13% are employed in the student affairs apparat - admissions, advising and counseling, etc. One of these is the dean of students, who should be summarily dismissed. About 7% are miscellaneous technicians and professionals - mostly librarians but including as well the school psychologist, a woman who appears to be the school nurse, and an unspecified technician (perhaps IT). They got two signatures each from the athletic coaches, the fundraising apparat, and the hourly staff, accounting for 5% of the total.

    1. Anyone know where these demands were obtained? Or rather, the original source of this list?

  5. I went to New York City public schools because my parents could never have afforded Dalton's tuition. I can't imagine how rich you have to be in NYC to be able to afford tuition of $55,000/year/child. The people who signed this must think that money grows on trees. How much higher do they think Dalton can raise its tuition and still attract suckers, err paying customers.

    1. The people who signed this must think that money grows on trees.

      Some time ago, Ann Coulter remarked that liberal women think in terms of budgeting, not production. These people are too puerile to manage even a budgeting mentality.

    2. BLM is KKK for black folks. It is just as racist. What happened to the dream of Dr Martin Luther King? A color blind society? Where we are judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin? Any movement that promotes diferenciating or preferring one group or another over skin color is inherently racist.

    3. Dear Friend,
      We have problems with CRT in schools of Rye, NY. Please contact me at
      to possibly help each other.

    4. Dr. King's approach is not divisive enough for the deep state intelligence community that fancies themselves controlling our system to a now schizophrenic make believe 2 party demockery supported by fake ballots and a narrative controlling mass media.

  6. Wow! What a totally racist set of demands!

    1. Dear Friend,
      We have problems with CRT in schools of Rye, NY. Please contact me at
      to possibly help each other.

  7. The black community has other things to do besides join your committees.

  8. Who the hell thinks their kid could get an education at your school? Where do you think you will be finding jobs?

    1. Waal, an older set of idiot cohorts at places like this now seems to dominate the marketing department of every major corporation in America, and their ad agency contractors.

  9. Garbage like this is why your school is failing. Your tuition isn't worth 15 cents, let alone $50 grand. This is not education, it is indoctrination, period.

    1. Dear Friend,
      We have problems with CRT in schools of Rye, NY. Please contact me at
      to possibly help each other.

  10. I'm a former Dalton parent who is 20+ years out of date with the current state of play. While there was always self-inflicted drama of one type or another back in the day, the sheer breadth of this mishegoss is of a scale that is difficult for the mind to process. There was a time that this was a fantastic school that I felt fortunate to be a small part of. Now? This feels like some internal tipping point has been passed. We can add this to the mountain of valued things that have destroyed themselves in the service of progressive improvement. How very sad.

    1. It can be added to the mountain of valued things that have been destroyed by the gangrenous diseased cancerous spread of those people who create, promote and support Critical Race Theory. They are only happy when structure has been destroyed and the dynamic has flipped.

    2. Here's the bad news: This is just the start. If you do nothing now, it will only get worse.

    3. I'd encourage you to take your school back. Apply for/to the board of trustees with several other interested parents & former parents. You could provide an appropriate perspective.

  11. Where is the evidence that these proposals are demands? I don't see any kind of "or else" in this letter and it seems oddly non-adversarial for the kind of letter the blogger purports it to be.

    1. How about the threat the teachers won’t come back or did you miss that genius

    2. 1. The term 'non-adversarial' does not mean what you fancy it means.

      2. About 2/3 of your faculty have signed this list of 'proposals'. The number of serious pedagogues who would have signed them sums to zero.

    3. If I were calling the shots, I'd encourage them to never teach again.

    4. These "proposals" are obviously in furtherance of the "head of school" action plan highlighted as follows in the -- CONTEXT section --
      "... On Instagram, @blackatdalton and @dalton_anonymous have held Dalton accountable for its shortcomings, and Dalton’s Black alumni and parents of Black students are helping us to envision a more inclusive school. We are also inspired by the demands currently being championed by Black Students Demanding Change.

      Dalton has also made a public commitment to “live up to our stated values as a visibly, vocally, structurally anti-racist institution.” Towards this end, Head of School Jim Best outlined the following list of actions:

      Create and apply a comprehensive anti-racism and inclusion plan

      Revise course content to be relevant and inclusive of a full range of experiences including those of people of color

      Learn specific teaching practices that foster an inclusive classroom without burdening students of color and marginalized students

      Establish a clear system for reporting incidents of bias, discrimination, or racism

      Implement a mandatory parent orientation that is aligned with our mission, our values, and our commitment to anti-racism

      We are heartened to see Dalton’s leadership taking such a strong stance on this issue, and we are energized for the work ahead. In the spirit of eager collaboration, we have identified 24 proposals, detailed below, that we believe will complement and extend Dalton’s existing efforts. ..."

  12. Reading through this, I'm not surprised that your school hired Jeffery Epstein.

    1. Epstein taught there 40+ years ago. With scant doubt anyone employed there at that time has now retired or died.

    2. Well, not true; I have a family member who still teaches there and was there at the time of Epstein and is not the only one still there. BUt that really has nothing to do with this situation at all, so why call that out right now? If you want to go there please also note that former AG William Barr is the son of the late Donald Barr, former Dalton Headmaster (also 40+ yrs ago).

  13. Is this serious? Does this faculty really believe this is the route to go? And who is going to pay for all of this?

    1. Who will pay for this? Get ready for the next step. Liberal government subsidies at the cost of the taxpayers.

  14. Good thing they're not in a billionaire limousine liberal funded gold plated bubble

  15. Every time I read a list of "woke" demands like I see here, and the reasons therein, I imagine the person reading it and masturbating as he does so. Try it, and see how much it explains.

    This is their porn.

  16. This is Crazy Olympics Gold Medal material. The only part I agree with is to hire a psychologist.

    If we stop reality to indulge this mass collective cultural psychosis these sociopaths are trying to spread like an intellectual plague, nothing will ever get done anymore, and we will simply starve.

    I have absolutely had it with this sickness that has gripped so many. There is no discussion to be had - gtf away from me, mentally ill criminally insane person.

    We cannot live like this !!! WE ARE BEING DESTROYED.


    1. Dear Friend,
      We have problems with CRT in schools of Rye, NY. Please contact me at
      to possibly help each other.

  17. Wow. Wokemess meltdown. Buhbye.

  18. If my kid went to that school, I couldn't pull him out fast enough after hearing this crap. Critical Race Theory strikes again.

  19. This is too easy. All the hyphens are Black women. And it's Head of School now because master (in Headmaster and anything else) is racist.

  20. Have a gander at the executive committee of the trustees. This is about fashion in and amongst the golden ghatto.

  21. Dear Friend,
    We have problems with CRT in schools of Rye, NY. Please contact me at
    to possibly help each other.

  22. Most of the parents doubtless voted for Biden/Harris, whose platform was largely focused on identity politics and the notion that everything is systemically racist. The parents should be happy that they are getting exactly what they voted for.

  23. Wow that was a mouthful of platitudinal BS. How the hell are these Marxist pukes allowed to exist in our Republic. The hour is late. Its time.


  24. This is exactly what is needed. We can no longer go on pretending that Black people can perform on the same level as white and Asian students. The only option left is to simultaneously boost Black students and penalize white students.

    When I was at camp as a youth, we played a camp-wide softball game every Friday night. Everyone played, teens, counselors, even the little kids. When a little kid came up to bat, someone would announce "Mercy". This meant that the batter would be given an easy to hit pitch and that the fielders would also execute a series of fielding errors so that the small child could advance around the bases and feel that they were performing well and scoring a run. Of course this run was not counted in the actual score, but the important part is that the small children were able to participate in the game and feel that they were doing something great.

    This is what our Black children need. Expecting Black kids to compete without radical changes to the rules and the field itself is naive. We must collectively calls out "Mercy" and adjust the rules so that they can feel that they are succeeding. Over time, we will adjust to the new rules and future generations will have this "Mercy Rule" as second nature.

    1. No, that's not what they need. Like everyone else, they benefit from schools which are orderly and in which they are assigned to courses of study and to paces of instruction within those courses which are optimal for them given their previous history of performance. Things being what they are right now, the distribution of blacks between courses and paces isn't going to match those of the other course categories. The school is a school, not some ministry.

      Schools like Dalton are ill equipped to be running special education programs, remedial programs, or vocational programs. They are ill-equipped to handle most of the general performance spectrum. Also, the revenue stream they have to collect to keep in operation renders them largely limited to affluent people. They can eschew some portion of the charges for a section of their student body, but this has to be made up somehow - from donation income, from endowment income, from enhanced charges to those paying full freight, &c. So, the capacity to offer slots for reduced charges is going to be circumscribed.

      Given the demographics of the New York metropolitan area, given the gaps in performance scores between racial categories, and given the differences in real per capita income amongst those categories, it's a reasonable wager that the application of impersonal admissions screens would yield a student body wherein blacks were 5-6% of the whole and hispanics perhaps 11% of the whole. (Provided that factors of personal taste did not further reduce those percentages). Ordinary people would say that's just where the chips fall and you work with that. It's too embarrassing for a bloc of people with the emotional investments the Dalton School's influential constituents apparently has.

    2. Wow, this is so racist and patronizing to people of black skin. I'll fix it for ya.

      This is exactly what is needed. We can no longer go on pretending that Black people CANNOT perform on the same level as white and Asian students. The only option left is to simultaneously boost both Black students and white students.

      When I was at camp as a youth, we played a camp-wide softball game every Friday night. Everyone played, teens, counselors, even the little kids. When a little kid came up to bat, someone would announce "Mercy". This meant that the batter would be given an easy to hit pitch and that the fielders would also execute a series of fielding errors so that the small child could advance around the bases and feel that they were performing well and scoring a run. Of course this run was not counted in the actual score, but the important part is that the small children were able to participate in the game and feel that they were doing something great. The important thing being that the run was not counted (i.e. had ZERO EFFECT ON OUTCOME) in order to allow the sense of participation and having fun. This is very unlike BLM/CRT which advocates for EQUAL OUTCOME.

      This is NOT what our Black children need. Expecting Black kids to compete without radical changes to the rules and the field itself is saying to Black children "hey, we believe you can achieve just like non-Black children". We must not collectively calls out "Mercy" and adjust the rules so that we can feel good about ourselves for being morally superior while at the same time patronizing Black children and hypocritically being implicitly racist while calling ourselves anti-racist. Over time, we will see through such new rules and future generations will see that applying such "Mercy Rule" to real life is just retarded.

    3. I hope this is sarcasm. Minorities have the ability to compete on the same playing field as anyone else. To think or believe they are incapable of doing so is racist in itself.

    4. Simply put - if you are not challenged, you do not grow. We do not need to coddle our black children with the "bigotry of low expectations," we need to challenge them just as we need to challenge our white children, our Asian children, and our Latino children. ALL must be challenged.

      And don't just hand out grades - all that does it set kids up to fail. "Social promotion" does the same thing. EARN your grades. EARN your promotions. The "Nobody Fails" mindset now beginning to infect schools is going to psychologically cripple a whole generation of kids (because in the real world, YOU WILL FAIL. The catch is, "What are you going to do about it?")

  25. Wow!
    The complete idiocy promoted by this list of 'demands' is unbelievable.
    I'm wondering if the staff and/or teachers have come back to school to perform their jobs that the students parents pay $54,000/year to attend? No? The I'm wondering if this list of 'demands' is intended to be a barrier so they can continue collecting their paychecks while not working. Hmmm. Because there is no way any group of people is this idiotic.
    Here's a reality check: The United States of America is NOT a racist country. There are racist people. However, that does NOT make our country racist. So, here's an idea: work towards making YOURSELF better, hold YOURSELF accountable to you and your family and stop forcing your ideology based on idiot ideas on others.

  26. This is the antithesis of values that a school should espouse. This should be laughed at and mocked by all real intellectuals.

  27. "Dalton should ensure that there is no correlation between race and placement or grades in all tracked courses."

    To ensure that there is no such correlation is to insist on quotas.

  28. I have raised two black children and am now raising my grandchildren. My son is successful and married and they are doing well. My daughter moved back in with her biological family for a year and now has two children that I am raising that were physically abused, including being threatened with guns, by the second child's father. Black culture is what is killing more blacks than any other means. Slinging dope and having babies without consequence is not making strong families. These children are growing up without morals and values and looking for everything to be handed to them. Thomas Sowell put it so well in one of his books, welfare destroyed the black family. Without strong families and good old fashioned pride and resilience nothing will get better any time soon.

    1. This is "educational" or 'cognitive' welfare. The entire faculty which signed this should be fired and people who lovingly care for the intellectual welfare of children hired.

    2. The welfare state was a Democrat ploy to put people under the thumbs of power. Crumbs for votes. Opportunity is the real solution to achieve success. I am all for providing opportunity to impoverished areas. This includes business incentives, charter schools, etc. The demands espoused here are about special treatment in the hope of achieving equal outcomes of low expectations. Excellence can never be achieved by lowering standards and the belief that standards have to be lowered/adjusted to make black students successful is a racist idea.

    3. Agreed these teachers should propose and get behind ways to improve not just black but all Americans' family structure and family morals, and real historical identity rather than propose means to hand out grades based on predetermined racial bias and wasting money on diversity policing staff!

    4. Upper class Whites LOVE virtue signaling. They have no idea what is going on in Black neighborhoods because they would never live in one. This is why they patronize Black people by suggesting that Black children need to be held to lower standards so they can compete. BLM, Kendi & DeAngelo are fine with White people feeling this way because it comes with "White Guilt" - which they all benefit from greatly. BLM has gotten BILLIONS in donations. Kendi & DeAngelo are now millionaires. Will any of their ideas ACTUALLY help Black children succeed. No. Not even a little bit. All CRT & the ideas put forth by Kendi & DeAngelo will achieve is further racial division. The BLM riots have meant even MORE violence in primarily Black neighborhoods - Black children are being killed at the highest rates since the early 90s. Has BLM acknowledged any of those young people shot down this past summer? No. Have they offered to pay for the funerals of any of these children? No. Not even for Secoreia Turner was was murdered in a Wendy's parking lot by a BLM protester! These are charlatans, and wow have they fooled the entire world.

  29. Mexican here, couldn't agree more. But we Mexican's are learning and expect us to catch up the right way (valuing hard-work and family)

  30. Because of the length and ridiculousness of this "demand", I wonder if this is not just a taunt to draw out people who oppose this. Think about it.

    As for one poster mentioning how these people end up in business or jobs somewhere, in 2016, I was working at the World Bank in IT providing support for the multibillion dollar loan database for the International Finance Corp. (IFC Docs) A Chinese national working at the "Bank", spearhphished me for 2 days via internal WB IM for access to IFC Docs for unnamed people and for "other confidential databases". She became more threatening the second day saying she wanted the "names" of "corporate IFC IT". I turned her over to InfoSec and was told I was "stereotyping Asians" and was fired. Because I was working (white guy here) as a contractor for the garbage HCL (yes India), the contract stipulated arbitration so their female lawyers at Deakins (DC) said the same in writing. (That's called defamation).

    I've been married more than a quarter century to a naturalized, patent holding, PhD from the Philippines whom I met in a church in Japan when I worked there. I started Japanese at age 22 and by 27, was working in a textile machinery company in their export section writing daily reports in Japanese, by hand (1993) and then on the Apple 145b that I bought by mail catalog from Tokyo and had shipped to a place near Nagoya. That was done with a 2.7 GPA from a no name public school in the south. I also wrote a paper on Japan's economy and presented it at the Third Asian Scholars' Conference in Singapore in 2003. Yet, I was fired for "stereotyping Asians".

    Let me just say that there is not an organization in the United States that grants access to anything on a network via a request made by IM. You knew that but it highlights the outrageousness of the demand. With that premise, then you see how racist Indians at HCL, not unlike Jayapal on the West Coast are very similar to what we have at hand here with this Dalton question.

    Last, as for the psychoquack demanding more quacks to fix this problem, I am writing a book on education. I was nearly finished some time ago when I forgot to ask myself, "Where did testing come from?" Two years of reading ensued and let me just say that if you knew what the first PhD psychoquack in this country said about blacks and women, if you had a clear thinking mind, you would have one of those "resets" everyone's advertising here lately (another dog whistle). The crass importation of quackery, Keynes (who was a hard core socialist, NOT an economist), Marx, Darwin and so on around the late 1800's is the direct digression from the founding purpose of this country and that was to break away, in independence, from all things Europe. If you have a beef with my Darwin comment, I invite you to my thought experiment of permutations and combinations at the molecular level (not atomic) of every plant, mammal, fish, insect, reptile and so on and you explain to me how, via probability, how everything came into being and is balanced just so and don't forget Jupiter blocking objects or its gravitational effect on the location of the earth or the moon and the tides. Show me that probability for us and I'll be it's bigger than 50 zeros which means, it won't happen. Bring your "science", not your mouth.

    Did I tell you that I got fired from Freddie Mac in the DC area for outing black employees for using the "N" word and because one black employee said to another employee 10 feet from me "I wonder what it would be like to kill someone. I wonder if I would feel any remorse if I touched the body". He has children by 2 women and said just before Thanksgiving 2019, "I hope I don't get anyone pregnant during break". White female manager fired me. Surprised?

    1. Your experience is much more interesting than the Dalton Communist Manifesto which got a little tedious with its various digressions. I may have some similar experience though, I was never fired in my career except twice by underqualified female managers for absurd reasons with no warnings after superlative job performance. I'm doing better than either now.

  31. Have to comment at anonymous as I don't want to be cancelled by these thought police!!

    I have 5 children and 4 grandkids.

    Is this the type of mentality you want your teachers - that your spending big bucks on teaching your kids - The reason you pay for private education and sacrifice for it is to not have to deal with this insanity which has infiltrated the public schools indoctrination programs.

    Each of these teachers should be considered for termination. They are not teaching and educating you kids in truths of education or life. They are propagating the lies of BLM and the 1619 project and overall anti-American thought. These lies shape and form young minds and it's dangerous, its destructive.

    Each of these teachers should be investigated by the school and their social media and activisms scoured to see if they are committed to teaching children properly and without the lies. I'm sure many of these signatory teachers were bullied into signing this - weed out the ones that are activists so the teachers that want to give these kids a truth based education can thrive. This is a private school, unlike the Public School union driven teachers - You can FIRE THEM!!

    Parents - withhold tuition payments until this matter has been investigated and a remedy focused on proper education is presented!

    BTW - I don't check back and read these things - cause don't have time - my 2cents I could care less if the trolls attack

  32. Anyone know where this list of demands was obtained from? Or original source?

  33. It's funny to see universities publicly declare that non-whites have no agency and need to be taken care of by Massa.

    It's as if they know something about non-whites that they aren't openly telling us.

  34. Just the fact it starts with "Equitable Outcomes" says it all. Pure communism.

    1. Participation trophies rather than meaningful achievement.

    2. The opening quote by Robin D.G. Kelley? An entitled UCLA communist professor professing his experimental communism (again) in the middle of the oldest Constitutional Republic on earth where we allow him freedom to undermine via sick ideology the very system that entitled him. What a pathetic ingrate! Organizing the masses against da man through Machiavellian fake divide & conquer tactics! Oldest tactics of conquest on earth. Do they really think their dumb down, divide, control, keep ignorant, manipulate, conquer formula will succeed?

  35. They want it to be a Black private school which it eventually will be.

    1. When that happens, there will be nobody to blame for their failures.

    2. The blame will be put on the "systemic systems of white supremacy"

  36. Dalton, The cradle of leaders!!! Committed to deconstructing the society it purports to epitomize and lead. Rock that cradle hard enough, and the bough breaks. I pity those parents paying to have their children tortured into fearful, spineless, timid victims. Leaders indeed!!

  37. Let's light the fire. The Southeast Asian out perform because, on average, they score 105 on aptitude tests, while, on average, performance scores are a standard deviation lower for POC. Ashkenazi Jews are a standard deviation above average on verbal axis. You can't fix it without demanding interbreeding until all people are a single homogeneous melange.

    OK now let the rationalizations begin.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This is lunacy. We should be striving for equal treatment and protections but these lunatics want to provide special treatment and disregard performance. Doing something like paying the student debt of black staff members is the epitome of institutional racism. The irony. It's actually insulting to minorities that these "academics" believe that special treatment is necessary. It's also very apparent that whomever wrote this is not in the least bit familiar with BLM's Marxist ideology...or maybe they are. Any parents sending children to this school are doing their children a disservice.

  41. I am absolutely shocked! I've never seen a more systemically racist statement in my entire life! Dalton staff, Much learning has made thee mad.

  42. Why should half the committee members writing the school "progress" report (7) and divesting the school endowment money (22) be "black" and why should the school contract with "black" vendors only "wherever possible" (16). Those are incredibly racist proposals and I would sue the school if I were damaged financially as a result of such racist policies. Any tuition paying parent, staff or faculty member should be able to sue even for the school having such a racist discussion.

  43. Two thirds of the signatories are female, which explains the psychodrama and pretentious neuroticism of the 'proposal'. Dalton's male staff are too weak or woke to explain how logically unsound is the entire document. A purity death spiral ensues. C'est magnifique, non?

    1. By my count, the signatories are about 70% female. The thing is, this is a K-12 school. I'd wager 70% of the faculty is female and that that proportion is about what you'd expect given that in this country, primary school teachers are > 90% female while secondary teachers are just north of 50% female.

      I suspect the men who signed have a somewhat different take on matters than the women who signed, and that this is true of the men and women who declined to sign as well. I believe that men v. women is a weak vector in influencing events here. Their worthless headmaster is, er, male.

  44. What Inever get about these Equalicist Progressives is why don’t they thusly choose to live and raise their kids in Brownsville, Brooklyn, or Hunts Point, Bronx, or Newark, New Jersey, or Freeport, LI.

    These are hypocrats of the highest order.

  45. The first thing the school board should do would be to get rid of Head of School Jim Best who apparently suggested this nonsense.

  46. If Dalton doesn't acquiesce to these demands, there will be a mutiny. If Dalton does acquiesce, then this once esteemed institution will be rendered worthless. And if Dalton does acquiesce and the kids still get into Ivy League Schools, then those once esteemed institutions will also render themselves worthless.

    Without merit, without standards, without objectivity, without variance, there is no value. Especially when it comes to education. But there can be equity - everyone can be equally worthless, equally uneducated, equally useless. Whatever legacy these institutions once had becomes irrelevant if they commit suicide now.

    Bereft of any other value, they will soon find their utopia of equity and race essentialism more resembling a nightmare. Anyone that has actual merit, that can meet or exceed objective standards, or can offer value will have no part in such a futile charade.

  47. I agree with most of the posts here but not this one. Southeast Asians perform well above average here because the type of people that are willing to go through the difficulties of uprooting their family from their culture and moving overseas tend to be ones that also emphasize education and long term thinking. Blacks from the Nigeria and the Caribbean thrive in the US with higher that average income. I is a matter of culture, not genetics. As for the Ashkenazi Jews, they tend to highly emphasize education and being clever as a way to survive for generations in a hostile world.

  48. This article and its faux demands is a very good parody of the woke movement. This can't possibly be meant seriously. But just in case it is, here is an easier way to achieve these goals: First, put all White students on indefinite leave. Second, enroll only Black and Brown students to take the place of White students. Third, form a committee to develop standards for who is Brown and who is Black. Form a second committee to determine if separate color appropriate programs for each should be required. Third, require families of White students on leave to pay for all students who have replaced them. Fourth, fire all White teachers and hire only Black and Brown teachers per committee's recommendations on meaning of Black and Brown. Fifth, change curriculum to all Black and Brown history. No White history will be tolerated because it is per se White Supremacism and racist. Finally, hire 50 counselors to assist students in the event a White person on the street tries to speak with them and they suffer extreme trauma from speaking with a white person if that interaction is greater than 10 seconds.

    1. This story is so goofy, I wonder if it is a publicity stunt.

      The exceedingly "woke" modern day ivy league universities greatly favor outwardly "woke" applicants. Students from rich, elite prep schools are no longer at an advantage, in fact the opposite is true. By Dalton engaging in this ultimate "virtue signaling" publicity stunt, it greatly increases there "street cred" with the the uber woke Ivy admission officers.

  49. This madness has palyed out before and it didn't end well. Evergreen College allowed and then collapsed from this very same thing.

  50. Ah, to be woke must be so paradoxical these days...

  51. I don't see a proposal here to organize some black guards that would emulate the red guards of the cultural revolution. I'm thinking that since the school is systemically racist, the headmaster would benefit from a struggle session. Perhaps the drama department can supply a dunce hat.

    1. A dunce cap would not properly fit the point on his head.

  52. I assume you used the German word "gift" here?

    (the English word is "poison")

  53. "CRT is a gift that destroys everything it touches [...] your bullshit gift."

    'gift' is the German word for 'poison'.

  54. That was an amazing exercise in self-flagellation, done to appease the students' parents and the POC (to use their term) community at large. I suppose you're hoping to be left alone by BLM when they start marauding again? I'm sure your history department covers Churchill, who famously said, "Those who appease the tiger do so in the hope that the tiger will eat them /last/." (emphasis mine.)

    And the creation of the office of DEI? I've worked in the corporate world. I've noted two types of "Diversity" officer, which I will now describe:
    1) Neutered milquetoasts who are afraid to exercise what little power they are given, and who go all to bits under any sort of challenge. These aren't any fun to deal with.
    2) Little tin gods, who are True Believers in the Cause, and continually overstretch themselves and exceed their directives, trying to control spoken language, writing, emails, and any other communication within (and without!) the corporate environment. It is with these that I have had the most fun - I have long enjoyed breaking them down.

    The thing is, it is wholly possible to respect varying elements of the community and assorted people in it WITHOUT the need for self-flagellation and WITHOUT the need for Diversity Officers/Departments, and you can save yourself an awful lot of money. 1) Treat everyone alike. (As a teacher and a white man, I would actually be HARDER on white people than on people of colour - because I would expect BETTER of them. I would encourage and teach all to the best of my ability, but I'm going to be hardest on my own people.) 2) Tell everyone to eat 5kg of ready-mix and harden up - "microaggressions" are a concept from the 1970's that gained faddish favour among the psychologists and the "racial equity" crowd, and now everyone is going it. It's a nonsensical concept - one should be able to read literature in the language of its time without everyone getting sore about it. Whether it Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" or Richard Wright's "Black Boy".

    And don't get me started on the concept of "equity." That's an idea that /needs/ to go away. "Equality" is making sure everyone has the same /start/. "Equity" is making sure everyone ends up at the same /destination/. The first is eminently practicable, and is quite fair - you all have the same start - what you do with it is wholly up to you. The latter? A bad idea - everyone comes out equally poor and equally unwell.

    In short, "Diversity" can be served without special personnel, special departments, or special programming - it's all in how you treat people.

    "Equity" is a flawed concept that has gained traction, and it really MUST hit a patch of ice and slip, because it's just got to GO. Full Stop.

    1. One typo - "doing it," not "going it." Bloody small text entry field...
